Actress Leigh-Allyn Baker Competes With Hollywood Producing Quality Family Entertainment

Credit: Family Camp Movie/The Skit Guys

Actress Leigh-Allyn Baker is bringing family-friendly entertainment to the big screen in response to the concerning content Hollywood promotes that goes against family values. In an interview with The Christian Post, Baker shared that she wants to be more “vocal” about her faith especially with the growing attacks on Christianity that she sees in film. Her new motion picture, Family Camp, provides positive quality entertainment that encourages familial values. 

According to The Christian Post, Baker was frustrated with the direction Hollywood was taking, moving further into distasteful scenes that she felt compromised her values and beliefs. Baker, who is known for her roles on Charmed, Will & Grace, and the Disney series Good Luck Charlie, revealed that she refused to perform in “sexually compromising roles” no matter what it meant for her career. Noting that she is willing to make films with “more adult subjects that aren’t geared for kids,” she added that she will not take a role that she does not want her children to see. 


The film, Family Camp, which debuts in cinemas nationwide on May 13, focuses on the experience a family has after being encouraged by their pastor to sign up for a week away at family camp. The family-friendly comedy aligns with the Christian beliefs that Baker values in her life and for her family. Catering to a wide audience, Baker explained that “the great thing about this is that this movie isn’t convincing someone to be a Christian. It’s not pushing a religion on someone; it’s not beating them over the head with it. At the end of the day, this is a really good, funny movie that everybody will enjoy, no matter what your faith.”

Important to Baker, the films that are trying to spread familial values must be entertaining and good quality, otherwise, she asserts, the movies will just be “mocked” and people will not see it. She added that she is “excited to see Christians using their talents and making good movies,” noting that the environment on the set of the film was a positive experience where she felt “loved and safe,” which is in contrast to experiences many have in Hollywood. While Hollywood, and formerly family-friendly entertainment such as Disney, has gone down a long path of distasteful and inappropriately mature content, Baker is taking an effective approach to providing alternative entertainment for families that will show mainstream Hollywood they have a real competitor. 


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