As gas prices reach a national average of $5 per gallon, the congregation of Lone Wa Worship Center in Louisiana is meeting the needs of those who cannot afford to fill their cars with gas. According to KNOE, on Sunday, the church gave away $25 gift cards to 200 drivers in their church parking lot. Assistant Pastor Charles D. Jones shared that many of the drivers said that if it was not for the church’s generosity, they would not have been able to put gas in their cars, and some arrived with nearly empty tanks.
There were enough gift cards for 200 drivers, but the church ran out of cards with about fifteen people left who were waiting for them. True to their promise to help those in need, church members did not turn them away. Instead, they took them to the gas station so that they could put gas in their cars.
In just one hour, the congregation of Lone Wa Worship Center made a difference in the lives of over 200 people. With the gas gift cards, members of the church also gave communion and prayed for the drivers.
As Americans across the nation are struggling not just to put gas in their cars, but to put food on the table and meet their daily needs, this act of kindness and generosity helped those struggling breathe an air of relief. With church members staying by the side of those in need, they are fulfilling their promise to help them and in doing so are spreading hope and faith that can uplift the suffering and those in need.